
Your training to use technology powerfully

Technology can be a powerful tool to enrich, deepen and personalise learning. But how do you make optimal and meaningful use of the potential of those digital tools? With us, you can be sure of a professional and quality training.

That’s where Edu-Versity can help. We offer pedagogical training and pathways that go beyond knowing which button to click. We don’t just teach you about the tools, but go deeper into the why and the added value for you and your pupils.

Een opleiding om samen te leren met coaching - Une formation pour apprendre en même temps que le coaching - A training to learn together with coaching

find your training in our calendar

A training full of opportunities to learn and grow.

Discover our ready-made range of training courses. We work on a varied calendar with both online and physical training courses.

In addition to this offer, we also work on demand. Contact us to put together a session or programme tailored to your needs.

Kalender met afspraken en klok - Calendrier avec rendez-vous et horloge - Calendar with appointments and clock
Persoon met raket op de rug - Personne avec une fusée sur le dos - Person with rocket on back

Take your own skills to the next level.

What we do

How do we best help you grow?

As an innovative learning hub, we aim to inspire and motivate teachers to use technology in creative and meaningful ways. A training course with us follows a sustainable and integrated approach, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with teachers.

Group training

In a constantly changing world, on-site training can provide peace of mind and inspiration. For this, we discover your school’s questions and needs together and link this to a location and a tailor-made training course. We opt – as always – for training courses that inspire and motivate you to use technology in a creative and meaningful way.

Training at your school

Does training at your school make more sense? If so, we will of course gladly visit you. Here, too, we look for what suits your school. We select training courses where teachers discover their own strengths and apply them to their own teaching practice; training courses where digital resources become an added value.

Persoon die locatie pin op kaart zet - Personne qui place l'épingle de localisation sur la carte - Person who puts location pin on map
Persoon met verrekijker, zoekvenster en doel - Personne avec jumelles, fenêtre de recherche et cible - Person with binoculars, search window and target

Online training

As an education professional, you have unique skills and interests. That’s why you like to choose a course tailored to your needs. Search within our ready-made offer and learn together with colleagues from other schools how to enrich your teaching method with digital resources.


Of course, we provide attendance certificates and proof of your skills for each training course.

However, do you (or your students) want to go further and take an official Microsofexam? Then you can schedule an exam through us. You have two choices for this.

For groups, we are happy to visit you and take the exam on site. We bring devices with us so that administrative preparations are kept to a minimum.

As an individual candidate, you can also take this online. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to make some extra preparations for this.

Curious about the exams? Take a look at the Microsoft site.

Document met sterretjes - Document avec étoiles - Document with stars
Boeken met wereldbol en afstudeerhoedje - Livres avec globe et chapeau de fin d'études - Books with globe and graduation hat


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